Tuesday, July 19, 2005

In your face Red Sox nation

As I am sure most of you know the Yankees have reclaimed the top spot in the A.L. East by 1/2 a game over the Sawks. Let me be the first to say, "In your face Boston". Dear god I hate the Red Sox, not neccesarily because I hate the players or the organization or anything, its because I hate Red Sox fans. They are the most whiney fans in the world.

Over the last 5 - 7 years, as the Yankees payroll has grown larger and larger all you would hear is Boston fans bitching about how its so unfair that the Yankees can get whatever player they want, yet Boston's own payroll was always in the top 5 in the league. Red Sox fans werent mad at the Yankees because they had such a high payroll, they were mad that they were paying just as much but not getting the same results. Dont hate the player hate the game.

Before the Nats came to DC, I was a Yankees fan, just because I hated Red Sox fans. If your team is not getting the job done dont blame the people who are getting it dont, blame your team. You had your time earlier this year to gloat at the fact that the Yanks were terrible. Now its your time to eat crow (no homo) because they are on fire and your team is treading water. God I hate Red Sox fans.


At 11:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Cubs fans are by far the worst.

At 10:36 PM, Blogger David said...

sox and cubs fans are equally annoying. I hate the sox so much now though that i'd rather see the yanks go to the WS over the gay sox.

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Fitz said...

cubs fans=teh gay. not ghey though. gay.

I kind of like the Yankees now.


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