Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 7 And Nearing The End

Arizona was defeated by the Steelers easily. The Cards did cut it to 17-14 at some point, but Pittsburgh went on a 15-6 run the rest of the way. Arizona will also be destroyed by the Ravens this weekend. Big surprise, who cares, moving on.

The St. Louis Cardinals just lost Game 5 to the Rangers, which puts Texas up 3-2. That's two games in a row the bullpen and the offense has conspired to screw the pooch. I guess it's revenge for how the starting pitching made them carry the water in the NLCS.

I told myself I wasn't going to get excited until the Cardinals had won 3 games. By the same token, I refused to get worried until the Rangers had won 3. Time to get worried, I guess. If the Cardinals lose the Series, I won't have their success to carry me through the Arizona Cardinals' death march of a season. Well, the Rangers still have to win one more, so it's not over yet.

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